As I explored different color palettes and combinations, I found myself gravitating towards the rainbow prism. I find the blending from one color to next to be absolutely beautiful and reminds me to appreciate the ‘in-between colors’ that are sometimes forgotten.

Each of these paintings is intended to highlight the physical beauty that results when a prism diffracts light into the visible color spectrum.  I’ve tried to combine the beauty of a rainbow with the ordered accuracy of mathematics.   In nature, a rainbow's existence depends on sunlight and mist and is fleeting; on a canvas, it can be permanent and exist regardless of the weather.  Rainbows have long been a symbol of hope, and my goal with these paintings is to contribute to a world where optimism is emphasized and imagination can roam free.  As you consider my "Prism” paintings, I invite you feel a sense of celebration of life's kaleidoscopic moments.  Just as rainbows appear in the sky after violent weather, these canvases can remind us that hope and optimism exist even amidst life's storms.  Within each of us lies the ability to paint our own prisms of resilience, joy, and hope.

To learn more information and see a larger image of each piece, you may click on any painting below.



