Pebbles in a Stream

18 in x 26 in


This painting was made for my daughter Julia. She had a high school teacher used to make doodles like the pattern in this painting. Julia learned it, and I liked it, so I thought I would try the pattern out in a painting. The teacher, who was a wonderful person, died at a young age from breast cancer – such a tragedy – so this painting was made to honor her memory. There are four larger pieces with impasto and a metallic finish that reminded me of water, and looking at the shapes reminded me of an experience in Glacier National Park looking at small pebbles in a crystal clear stream. Almost 5 years after I originally painted it, I decided to “rejuvenate” it by adding complexity to the piece by adding silver borders for each of the shapes and inserts or glazing techniques into many of them. The rejuvenated version is what is indicated here.


Blue Stripes


Blues For Jenny